Friday, July 07, 2006


Muh sister is coming tomorrow!!
Haha, finally, I think shes really excited coming down here.
For me? .. well, im more worried for my mum.
She’s gonna be alone there.
Love you ma.

Talking bout mothers, heres something I found.
Have a BLESSED week everybody!


Anonymous said...

Dont find this very nice. Find it disturbing that you put this on your blog.

mizzvickz said...

hahaha is this some thai ad?
thai advertistments are always super funny.

bnardhiew said...

Vic-yeah, i think so too. haha

bnardhiew said...

Anonymous- think it must have been really disturbing for you eyy? my apologees, didnt mean to offend, or neither was it meant to disturb you. I thought that the kid was really good! thanks for being honest.