When he means the things he say?
When he takes responsibility and own up?
When he stands for what is right?
But what happens what is right isn’t so straight forward as it seems?
What if making any choice will have a great opportunity cost to pay?
And what if that choice you make is against the person who loves you, and you in return, the most?
What if she doesn’t let you make any?
It’s been a pretty dreadful 2 weeks.
Mum doesn’t wanna let go.
Even after all the information gathered, talked to all the people she talked to.
Still she doesn’t wanna let go.
Am I to obey?
But I thought its all about honouring?
“What is it that I want?” doesn’t seem to be a case at all.
“That’s all I want you to do Bernard” she said.
And I just couldn’t understand why is it so hard to let her know that I really don’t like this at all?
Is it really that hard?
What makes a man a man?

when he does what is right to do,not just because he thinks it's right or someone else thinks it's right..but because it's in His will and He has told you to do so.
So,just continue seeking ok?You will get the answer soon :)
Take much care,need to catch up wt u soon! Hugs.
what makes a man a man is when he put God first in his life and to do His will for him.
It might be hard for her to understand what you are to do, but don't give up to show her that you can do it.
Psa 62:8
God bless!
Dear Anonymous-
Thank you :)
Someone I love told me that life is a journey and not a destination. A lot of people nowadays wanna rush to the finish line.But the question is are they reaching the right place!
HE doesnt call himself LIGHT of the WORLD for nothing. - Make sure we see where we're heading!
God Bless
Thanks for encouraging :)
Hey gurl.
Sweet of you to drop by.
Everything ok over there gurl.
Yup, He doesnt call himself the LIGHT of the world for nothing ya?
Thanks gurl.
yes we do ! :)
How's the serving in church coming along gurl?
Pray you continue to grow even greater over there!
God Bless gurl.
No prob =)
I kind of understand how you feel. Though I do not know what you're going through, but I think we might have some similarity-our mum.
Yea, its not about the destination you're reaching at the end of the day, but its how you go through it.
If God brings you to it, He will definitely bring you through it.
All the best, bro!
God bless. =)
Thanks bro!
Chin up and P.U.S.H!
God Bless
what makes a man a man? experiences.
we learn from our experiences and so we grown up. its important that we know whats good and right for ourselves. once we found it, we gotta fight for it.
y'know what, my dad hated me doing design or being a dancer. he would like his kids going to law school or whatsoever, being a lawyer, doctor. but im just not into it, and im not the material for that sub. during the years, we argued alot, i did obey his orders, but when things come up to design or dance, he got so mad, those years were like living in a hell. he also said "its a bonus if i could ever graduate from university and get a bachelor degree." honestly, he depressed me alot. after moving to australia, i showed him that i could handle it. and design is what i really wanna do. now im doing my master degree in melbourne. he finally realized that he should let go. even though he depressed me, but i know he loves me. this is just the process.
so yah, have faith in yourself. and you know people around you have faith in you. =)
of cuz, things can never be rushed. take your time.
not sure whether my comment helps, just wanna share. and you are blessed. so dun worry, aiight?
take care. i wish you all the very best. =)
Hey Maggiee!!!
How ya doing gurl? Settled in Melb already? Havent spoken to you for some time already =)
yeah, have been really busy and bugged by this whole thing.
But Thank God that HE was always there, and of course, friends like you who come along and share a lil bit bout ur lives!
Really appreciate it!
Yup like you said, its a process!
So, we chin up and look at the brighter side =)
haha, it wasnt so much of not having faith in myself, it was more of a struggle of balancing what i want and what she wanted. Hoping that none of us gets torn. Just that tearing up part.
Still praying =)
Hear from you kay gurl.
Hey Regina,
How are you doing?
havent heard from you for quite a while already?
where are you now?
Working already?
Oh? your going through the same thing as well huh?
yeah, let keep praying?
Hey friendster me la. we keep in touch there kay?
GOD Bless gurl
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