Monday, May 07, 2007

You Wouldn't Know

Sometimes we make mistakes we couldn’t have known.
Insensitive and unwise remark comes out.
And you’ll realise that the right things to say at the wrong time = worst things to say EVER!

And when the one day comes you realize you did all the above at one go?!!
Yeah, tough day huh? It’s a bummer. *believe me*

How can you change something that you couldn’t have known?
And it seems too late for the change, coz they have already rested the case.

Well, at least the situation is SEEMS.
That’s a good thing =)


Anonymous said...

ya,we cant undo what's done but realisation is a great thing cas it equips us for the future. just remember, God's grace is always sufficient for us. ~smile~

Anonymous said...

If u don't like sth, change it.
If u can't change it, change the way you think about it !!

Don't look back, life is no longer an Option !

A smile which sets everthing straight :)

bnardhiew said...

Dear Anonymous -

God Bless

bnardhiew said...


hi El, thanks for the comment :)
appreciate it.
Noted. haha

God bless

GlendaH said...

Never regret on things that you've done in the past..

Be thankful for whatever that had happened..

Without those experiences, you might not have what you're having right now...

Believe it or not..
Things happened for a reason...

bnardhiew said...
