According to Wikipedia:
"Learning is the acquisition and development of memories and behaviors, including skills, knowledge, understanding, values, and wisdom. It is the product of experience and the goal of education."
Was in a photoshoot for a local fashion magazine, where i need to jump and take a shot.
Didnt know that you have to put sooo much concentration for every part of a pose that you make.
I asked the fashion director to "demonstrate a jump" for me when i found out apparently he has never taken pics in sets before.
So, I thought why not invite him in, and have him Teach me.
He made me promise him that we'll jump together. *hee hee*
Of course i didnt, i had to absorp as much as possible ma.
so i stood and LEARN lo.
Everyone (including himself) had a good laugh. Haha
I like =)
it's good to learn all the time..haha..God bless anyway
Learning never failed to entertain one's psyche. LOL.
BTW, is your hair just grew back to its previous look in 11 days? Haha.
Take care.
Hey bro,
Just thought Id drop by to say hi.
Hope youre enjoying yourself.
Didnt realise you were singing too!
It is you rite? Hehe :)
Cheers, all the best in reaching your full potential.
Finally had the chance to watch Motosikal today..n hey u sudah GEMUK-eD hahaha ur muka bulat like moon hahha Anyways ur funny antics indeed cheer one's day =) Happy Motosikal-ing =)
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