If you get a chance to write to yourself when you were 12 years old now, what would you write?
Dear Bernard,
You might be wondering if this is a joke, I know what you might think, but I also know that you would read on even though you thought that this indeed was a joke. How did I know that you might think? Coz I’m you, 12 years ahead.
See, I had this opportunity to write to you today, (which is 12 years ahead when your reading this), and just write bout anything.
Well, for your information, your name is still going to be Bernard Hiew Vun Poh, and yes, you’d get your IC pretty soon, and don’t worry bout the first IC, coz your gonna loose it. But don’t worry bout the second one as well, coz in another 3 years, the government is going to introduce a new ID which is going to be called the MY-card, NOW for that one. PLEASE get mum to cut this hair for you (attached below), coz I realised that more girls started saying that your handsome after getting this hair, instead of the usual cute!! -no thanks needed-
You would most probably be playing basketball very often and your dang proud that you are selected to play for the district. It’s cool. But remember not to loose your cool in the second game, coz during the second game, your team will play badly and you eventually began to scold your team, and that eventually took you off the team. Then again, if you still think they deserve it, scold them more. Since you’re going to be a state and national swimmer in 2 years time. So yeah. Haha
Oh, and about Marie, yes, I know bout Marie. Funny how no one does. Well, just to let you know that when she’s 24, she’s planning to get married. Yup. And mind you, your NOT in the position to marry anyone when your at this age. Don’t worry, your not poor, its just that your really not ready. Well, she wont be the love of your life. So, just be good friends with her =)
(psst. Wait till you get to high school and college and Work! Wohoooo)
You would realise in the next few years, a lot of girls are going to come to you, like Zhang Zing Fern who told you the other day that she likes you.
(Its amazing how gurls get all the guts to say that they like you, when you eventually only do so when your 24. HAHA, yeah, don’t worry, let it be natural bro, coz that’s really a record, and I am proud of you for saying it when you really meant it! Good one bro Haha.).
And mum is going to eventually say no to you now because your gonna have UPSR, she’s gonna ask you to study hard, and think bout it after UPSR. And when you reach high school, you ask her again, she said no, after UEC (yes, your going to Tshung Tsin for high school, there lots of pretty gurls, so yes, get to know as much as you can, DOESN’T MATTER if they are 5 years OLDER OR YOUNGER!! Ask you to KNOW ONLY OK??!!!), then after that, she’s gonna say after PMR, then SPM then College, eventually during college, you stopped asking, and she asked you how come you don’t have a girl friend. Hahaha. But it’s all good. Coz you don’t have one even when your 24! Haha. You might think that what kind of looser your going to turn into, but let me tell you, your not gay when your 24 ok? , go find the meaning from the dictionary, you made the right choices until this far bro, matter a fact, I’m pretty proud of your choices =)
Still find it funny yet amazing why you ask mum for permission. (You’d find out because you love Mum soooo much, so start showing!)
John Cham is going to be your close friend, but for you, you will begin to really interact with different kind of people, you will have lots of friends. But John Cham and Seth Boutin and Bryan Limus is going to be one of the several few Real Blood Brothers of yours. (Yeah, Limus calls our relationship that now) haha. And Tell OFF Seth Boutin when he does Marijuana at 15! Your going to save his life. As well as Tony and Yong Kam Fatt when your 17 ask them to buckle up all the time!!
Yes, so learn how to play chords, make Bj teach you guitar, which you will pick up really fast, but please write the song “FOREVER LOVE” before Lee Hom, coz he’s going to be big in the next 10 years! And oh your gonna be a MAN U FAN, Bet on Man U winning the treble at 1999, score is 2-1 extra time. Bet your mum’s house on it! Your gonna be rich!! Wohoo.
Oh did I mention that you get to have a chance to be a celebrity in Taiwan and also be MTV Asia Vj? Hahahah, exciting right?!!
I’m still finding and learning what and how is it to love someone.
I’m still finding how I can be a better person for my gf -to be, rather than demanding or hoping how they should be for me. How can I be a blessing to them as much as they are to me.
Even with all these uncertainties that you might face in the future, the same as I may face in mine. I realized that one thing stays the same forever, and I pray that you will hold on to this even if you ignore all those that I’ve written.
Is that you hold on to God and you continue to grow in Him. In all that you do, choose to honor His ways and continue to walk with Him. Then the rest will just come wan. =)
P.S, the 4 digit no for today is 8954. Yesterday’s one was 7041. Yup. Hee Hee
Yours truly,
Bernard Hiew

Told ya! keke
hey yapster, bodoh seems to be yr fav word. suggest you make it yr name. like er, Bodoh Yap or Yap Bodoh.
hey man... haha... this one was a fascinating read.
Nice Post, Keep It up !
I enjoyed that! :)
cool!~~ all this took place in the past 12 years...
will be eye-ing in to see what u will write when u turn 36!
Dear Yap and Anonymous,
Chill chill, thanks anonymous =)
but yeah, if you know Yap a lil better, he's really harmless, most of the times, its just him saying bad things at the worse times. *like this*
so, yeah, He's like that, do forgive him.
To Yap,
haha, but dont get too happy, coz sooner or later, you gotta start be more careful oh.
im cool with it, just dont overdo it. =)
God BLess
Hey Felix and El
Hey peeps. haha, thanks El. Happy that you enjoyed that, haha, hope that you were blessed reading it, as much as i have writting it =)
Felix, yo! haha, you should try writting one for yourself too.
Brings new prespective wan ohh.
God bles
Dear Cheryl and Sherve -
How did the 'mockings' go Cheryl?
Sherve? sexy shoes..woot woot.
glad you gurls enjoyed it. hee hee, you should write one for yourselves ya knw? it really brings presective!!
Siew Kwan-
Heyy, how u doing? where are you now anyway? Heard that you were in Uk, then here and then there..??!!
HAHA, well, it was when i was 12 years old maaa, hahah
HAHAHAHAH!! thats a good one, maybe when im 36, id be writing, "dont blog about a letter writing to yourself at 12 years old" .. hahaha
but good point gurl.
u should write one for youself, really bring things into prespective =)
How are things there?
God Bless
hey dude, wassup...sono here...i never left any comments here so i'm gonna do this now...
anyway...i remember someone saying wanna have tea when he comes back last December...hmmm, wonder where did that person go...hmmmmmmmm~
Hey SONO....
hahah, Sorry la, take da nombor you la. but yeah, was on a busy 5 day streak in KK only, didnt have time to do a lot of catching up as well la.
How are you doing? New job??
P.S Its not gambling IF you already know the answer!
You are such a con man. :)
yep, got myself a new job! finally~
doing marketing for a tour agency, ppl say it suits me...we'll see...
hey Bernard! I so enjoyed reading this entry of yours! So entertaining... was wondering how the people you wrote about thought of it? Like John Cham? hahaha... Anyway, you're gonna be famous in Taiwan? I never knew that!!! No wonder u said be careful about your # the other day... hehe... know what I mean? *wink* take care dude... and I'm soooo looking forward to going back to Malaysia in July!!! woohooo!!
ahhh, congrats!!!
Hahah, well, im expecting great deals from you when i wanna go travelling eyy?
God bless
Hey Nuri-
hahah,. thanks.
haha, not sure, but i guess he'd knw.
hahah, nola, i had the chance to.
aahhhh, hope all is good with you there gurl.
See ya soon then.
wah u look so good ere.hehehe.
Sing Yee-
haha, hello.
haah, thank you sing yee! hahah
Thanks for dropping by. =)
God BLess
Hey, I'm doing fine here, thanks!I'm in Malaysia now la...same cell as your sis.shall cu after my exam!Hope you are doing good too. :)
hey.. long time didnt post wor.. hehe..
how was ur trip?? sure very nice..
like ur show very much...
gambateh ~~~
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