The trip was not so bad, everything turned out allright.
Well, there was nothing much I could do to explain myself for being late for the flight except to… explain myself. haha
Managed to meet up with Zoey and Mei Sin, both of which with whom I had a great time talking.
It’s been encouraging to see that their challenging themselves, even with the struggles that they are going through.
A challenge a day, keeps some of us go all the away.
This is what I came across in this trip.
I knew that it takes wisdom to say the right things.
I realized also that that it takes wisdom to NOT say things at certain times.
Things you say at the wrong time might just be the worst thing to say at all. *repeated*
I was wondering,
Where did all the things we learnt when we were young went to?
What happened? What about truth?
What about telling the truth at any costs?
When did we learn to negotiate with truth?
When were we thought to compromise with it?
What is truth? Is part truth truth?
Is revealing part of the truth truth?
Is telling part and not the whole part truth?
Interesting ey?
And what if people dont want to hear the truth?
Ignorance is bliss some say,
But I'd console myself saying that you've got some more growing up to do.
V have 2 ears n 1 mouth, so tht v can listen twice as much as v speak..
Enjoy da "little" things, for one day, u may look back and realize they were the big things..
The road of life can only reveal itself as it is traveled; each turn in the road reveals a surprise...
Move on.. And,
Laugh at urself first, b4 anyone else can :)
El -
Very positive indeed.
Keep it up =)
Move on seems to be what everybody is saying. No point of regretting the past they say.
But are we learning from what we so claimed "moved on" from or are we just being ignorant?
What do you think?
God Bless
You have a point there bernard. it didnt occur to me tht most times when we say move on it is indeed a crop out. Now you've got me thinking.
Enough Said.
Check your mail la. haha
God Bless
hello. listen to the heart.. will see deep in his/ her heart too.
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
- Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
sad but it true!!
Hey, haha, if only we could do it soo effectively.
Very nice one Pinky!!
i love it!!
very nice nick too..
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