If the following speaks to you one way or another, its definitely not my fault!
Its most probably and definitely your fault.
Yeah, go and cry.
Have a lot of girl friends who tell me story of their exes, their story of their boyfriends, story of their dads, their uncles, their brothers.
And I asked them how often to these guys cry, AND the common answer I get is,
“After they realised that they dump u mistakenly”
They say that there is this period after you guys break-off, and don’t talk much, after several weeks, the sms will come back, the calls, will come and say they miss you.
*at this point, its either the gurl thinks the dude’s a jerk, ask him to wobble off, or they come into this stage I called the “Sarm luen” stage and they get back together*
( We will talk bout this in another post)
Now, the next question is when they cry, do they go
“ *sob* *sob*”
Or do they go
You might wonder.
And surprisingly most guys in this (Mistake dumping phase), will do nutsy things, they would usually go with the second mode of crying.
They will usually do this for …erm….lets see… 5 minutes (heard one did it for 6!! *clap clap*)
5 minutes average because, its tiring…it really is wan.. you try la! They need a break, to breath, drink water, go into the car, blow the air con, adjust their make-up, and hair and toilet break maa !! arhhh and then back to position and continue.
( We can talk bout 21st century Malaysian Dudes Fashion Sense another post as well)
This will also happen for 3 / 4 sets. (Depending on how Bad his mistake was, or how desperate he is)
Then hoh, after that, they will go into the *sob sob* mode, they call you and suddenly they will sound really steady. And then , they’d go.
“Hey baby, haven’t sleep ahh, how are you? What are you doing? Hrmmm”….
And then…
“I…M..M…MISSSSssss youuuu ooooohhhhhhhhhh ….. hurrr hurrr huhrrrrrrr.. DIIIMMM GAAIIII , WO AIII NII WOOOOOO”
*translation = I miss u, *sob* x 3, Why? , I love you woo* Don’t ask me who’s woo!!!
Sometimes it will go on back to the fisrt “DIMMMMM GGAAAIII” stage.
That’s what they usually do wan.
Now, I’m not saying that these guys are all losers, I’ve heard of cases which really did work, and they are really happy now. And its good for them.
This entry is just to prepare you la, just in case it does happen to ur friends. *wink wink*
NOOO La, won’t happen to u wan la!
Now, im just talking bout crying, some nutso, will do crazy things like jump down from 2nd floor wan ohkay. They tell you that they will commit suicide or things like that.
When that really happens, may I warn you to really let somebody else know.
DON’T GO TO HIM/HER alone ahh.
Call their parents or sumthing.
But if you’ve made up ur mind, and he’s still crying outside ur house, call the cops, or release the dogs la.
And shut off ur handphone.
Coz someone tried that when I was in college, yeah, tried committing suicide, the police and ambulance had to come, and another 1 jumped! Yeah from 1st floor . STEWPIT!
I was thinking, soo drama, if really jump, why not jump 4 th floor la!
Ishhh, want attention only! Yeah the dude ended up in the wheel chair, they got back together, and she ended up pushing her around in college.
Oh well. At least im not pushing him.
But of course, that’s just the relationship crying, and a lil exaggerated. haha
The first time I cried, other than when I was caned by my mum. (yeah, I used to get that a lot, but I still LOVE her) was when my Dad was disappointed in me.
No, he didn’t scold me, but when I realised that I disappointed my Dad, and when was talking to me, tears flowed.
The first time watching a movie crying was with my dad as well, BRAVEHEART (oh u should watch that)
Basically I cry when my dad is around! -_-!!
Hahah, personally I think it shows the more humane side of a man when he shed a tear.
And that’s sexy. But cannot wat also cry la, see the flower cry, see the dog so cute..cry! gimme a break!
But to kneel down in front of her house, and cry cry cryyyyyyy…
Now thats just stewpit!
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